Fraction to Decimal Converter
Convert Fractions and Decimals Online

Discover an easy way to solve everyday fraction problems

Fraction Converter Settings

Number of decimal places

Round fraction to the nearest

Converting fractions to decimals:

- Real life application
- Online fraction to decimal calculator
How to write fractions as decimals manually
Examples and some practice problems
Frequently asked questions
Fraction to decimal conversion chart and more

Why is it helpful to convert fractions to decimals?

In our daily life we often operate with both decimal numbers and fractions. We can use both to express the length, width, or height of an object, measure the weight or volume of a product, express time and more. And as we can write the same amount in both ways, it’s useful to know how to convert between different number formats.

Which format is better to choose - fractions or decimals? The number representation depends on a concrete situation. For example, the number of hours expressed in fractions 5 ½ hours or 1 ¾ hour is more understandable than the decimal representation 5.5 hours or 1,75 hours. On the other side, to perform calculations and add 3 ¼ hour and 2 1/5 hour, it’s much easier to use decimal values 3.25 hour and 2.2 hour that gives 5.45 hour in total.

Any fraction can be represented as a decimal number, and it is handy to know how to convert fractions to decimals quickly and easily. While there are several methods to do it manually either by converting the denominator to a power of 10 or by the long division, the simplest way to change a fraction into a decimal is using a fraction to decimal converter app that is created for this particular purpose or using a standard calculator. Or, you can use conversion charts or try to memorize the most frequently used conversion.

Online fraction to decimal calculator

Need to quickly turn a fraction into a decimal? With the online Fraction to Decimal converter, you can do it in seconds. Just type your problem and click Convert. In case of converting proper and improper fractions, enter the numerator and denominator, leaving the whole part field empty. For mixed numbers, fill all the three fields.

The online converter allows you to choose to round the result to a certain number of decimal places for example to tenth, hundredths, thousandths, etc. You can easily choose the desired precision by clicking Settings (from 0 to 8 places). By default, the result is rounded to 8 decimal places.
If you want to perform the reverse conversion, use the Online Decimal to Fraction converter.

How to convert a fraction to a decimal number manually

Fractions and decimals are used to represent real numbers in different ways. And, to convert a fraction to a decimal means representing a fraction in the decimal format without changing its value.

Simple fractions are rational numbers written in the a/b form, where a is a numerator, and b is fraction’s denominator. Both a and b are integers and b is non-zero. For examples 1/5, ¾, -5/8, 11/8.

Decimals have the whole and fractional parts which are connected through a decimal point. For example, 1.2, 0.58, 45.995 etc.

A fraction whose denominator is a power of ten (10, 100, and so on) is a decimal fraction. Some examples of decimal fractions: 3/10, 25/100, 125/1000.

Now let’s have a look how you can convert a fraction to a decimal manually in case you don’t have a fraction to decimal converter application or a regular calculator in place or you are not allowed to use them during a test or exam.

There are two methods to convert a fraction into a decimal form – by the long division or though expanding the denominator of a fraction to a power of 10 (10, 100, 1000, and so on).

Long division method

To turn a fraction into a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. To simplify this task, you can reduce the fraction first by dividing both the numerator and denominator of a fraction by their greatest common factor (GCF).

Example 1. Let’s convert 4/16 to a decimal.
GCF (4,16) = 4. To simplify the fraction, divide both the numerator and denominator by 4.
4/16 = (4:4) / (16:4) =1/4
If we divide 1 by 4, we’ll get 0.25. So, 4/16 = 0.25

Example 2. How to convert 1 3/4 to a decimal.
1 ¾ is a mixed number. To convert a mixed fraction to decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator using the long division method and then add the whole part.
1 ¾ = 1 + ¾ = 1 + 0.75 = 1.75

Conversion of the denominator to a power of 10

The idea of this method is to find an equivalent fraction where the denominator is a power of 10. This can be done in several steps:
   1. Find the number you can multiply the denominator by to expand it to 10, 100, 1000, etc.
   2. Multiply both the denominator and numerator by this number
   3. Write down the numerator, and then from the right hand side count the number of spaces equal to the number of zeros in the denominator and put the decimal point.
To understand how this method work in practice, let’s have some examples.

Example 1. How to convert 2/5 to a decimal number.
   1. The denominator of this fraction is 5. So, to expand it to 10, we should multiply 5 by 2.
   2. To get an equivalent fraction, multiply both the numerator and denominator by 2. The result is (2x2)/(5x2) = 4/10
   3. As the number of zeros is 1, the decimal is 0.6.

How to use Fraction Converter App

Input a proper/improper fraction or a mixed number and click "CONVERT" to get the corresponding decimal number.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024
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